Below you can find an overview of my published work ordered by topic (with some overlaps). Click on the title of the work to access them. A chronological list publications can be found on Google Scholar and here.
Immigration and trust of the native-born
Dinesen, P.T., and K.M. Sønderskov (2015) “Ethnic Diversity and Social Trust: Evidence from the Micro-Context.”, American Sociological Review, 80(3), 550-573.
Dinesen, P. T., Schaeffer, M., and Sønderskov, K. M. (2020). “Ethnic Diversity and Social Trust: A Narrative and Meta-Analytical Review.” Annual Review of Political Science, Vol. 23, pp. 441-465.
Dinesen, P. T., and Sønderskov, K. S. (2018). “Ethnic Diversity and Social Trust. A Critical Review of the Literature and Suggestions for a Research Agenda.” Pp. 175-204 in Uslaner, E. (Ed.). Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust. NY: Oxford University Press.
Sønderskov, K.M., and P.T. Dinesen (2014). “Danish Exceptionalism: Explaining the Unique Increase in Social Trust over the Past 30 Years”, European Sociological Review, 30(6), 782-795.
Dinesen, P. T., and Sønderskov, K. M. (2012). “Trust in a Time of Increasing Diversity: On the Relationship between Ethnic Heterogeneity and Social Trust in Denmark from 1979 until Today.” Scandinavian Political Studies, 35(4), pp. 273-294.
Dinesen, P. T. (2011). “Me and Jasmina Down by the Schoolyard: An Analysis of the Impact of Ethnic Diversity in School on the Trust of Schoolchildren.” Social Science Research, 40, pp. 572-585.
Trust among immigrants
Dinesen, P. T. (2013). “Where You Come From or Where You Live? Examining the Cultural and Institutional Explanation of Generalized Trust Using Migration as a Natural Experiment.” European Sociological Review, 29(1), 114-128.
Dinesen, P. T. (2012). “Does Generalized (Dis)trust Travel? Examining the Impact of Cultural Heritage and Destination Country Environment on Trust of Immigrants.” Political Psychology, 33(4), pp. 495-511.
Nannestad, P., Sønderskov, K. M., Dinesen, P. T., and Svendsen, G. T. (2014). “Do Institutions or Culture Determine the Level of Social Trust? The Natural Experiment of Migration from Non-western to Western Countries.” Journal of Ethnic and Migration Studies, 40(4), pp. 544-565.
Dinesen, P. T., and Hooghe, M. (2010). “When in Rome, Do as The Romans Do: The Acculturation of Generalized Trust Among Immigrants in Western Europe.” International Migration Review, 44 (3), pp. 697-727.
Dinesen, P. T. (2012). “Parental Transmission of Trust or Perceptions of Institutional Fairness? Explaining Generalized Trust of Young Immigrants in a High-Trust Society.” Comparative Politics, 44 (3), pp. 273-289.
Dinesen, P. T., and Sønderskov, K. S. (2018). “Cultural Persistence or Experiential Adaptation? A Review of Studies Using Immigrants to Examine the Roots of Trust.” Pp. 205-230 in Uslaner, E. (Ed.). Oxford Handbook of Social and Political Trust. New York: Oxford University Press.
​Dinesen, P. T. (2011). “A Note on the Measurement of Generalized Trust of Immigrants and Natives.” Social Indicators Research, 103, pp. 169-177.
Dinesen, P. T. (2010). “Upbringing, Early Experiences of Discrimination and Social Identity: Explaining Generalised Trust among Immigrants in Denmark.” Scandinavian Political Studies, 33(1), pp. 93-111.
Institutional quality and social trust
Sønderskov, K.M., and P.T. Dinesen (2016) “Trusting the State, Trusting Each Other? The Effect of Institutional Trust on Social Trust.” Political Behavior, 38(1), 179-202.
Dinesen, P. T., Sønderskov, K. M., Sohlberg, J., and Esaiasson, P. (2022). “Close (Causally Connected) Cousins? Evidence on the Causal Relationship between Political Trust and Social Trust.” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 86(3), pp. 708-721.
Dinesen, P. T. (2013). “Where You Come From or Where You Live? Examining the Cultural and Institutional Explanation of Generalized Trust Using Migration as a Natural Experiment.” European Sociological Review, 29(1), 114-128.
Sønderskov, K.M., and P.T. Dinesen (2014). “Danish Exceptionalism: Explaining the Unique Increase in Social Trust over the Past 30 Years.”, European Sociological Review, 30(6), 782-795.
Dinesen, P. T., and Sønderskov, K. S. (2021). “Quality of Government and Social Trust.” In Grimes, M., Bauhr, M., Bågenholm, A., and Rothstein, B. (Ed.). Oxford Handbook of Quality of Government. New York: Oxford University Press.
Dinesen, P. T. (2012). “Parental Transmission of Trust or Perceptions of Institutional Fairness? Explaining Generalized Trust of Young Immigrants in a High-Trust Society.” Comparative Politics, 44 (3), pp. 273-289.
Other work on social trust
Oskarsson, S. Dinesen, P. T., Dawes, C. T., Johanneson, M., and Magnusson, P. K. E. (2017). “Education and Social Trust: Testing a Causal Hypothesis Using the Discordant Twin Design.” Political Psychology, 38(3), pp. 515-531.
Dinesen, P. T., Nørgaard, A. S., and Klemmensen, R. (2014). “The Civic Personality: Personality and Democratic Citizenship.” Political Studies, 62(S1), pp. 134-152. 
Dinesen, P. T., and Bekkers, R. (2017). “The Foundations of Individuals’ Generalized Social Trust: A Review.” Pp. 77-99 in Van Lange, P.A. M., Rockenbach, B., and Yamagishi, T. (Eds.). Trust in Social Dilemmas. Oxford series in Human Cooperation. New York: Oxford University Press.
Political and institutional trust
Dinesen, P. T., and Jæger, M. M. (2013). “The Effect of Terror on Institutional Trust: New Evidence from the 3/11 Madrid Terrorist Attack.” Political Psychology, 34(6), pp. 917-926.
Sønderskov, K.M., and P.T. Dinesen (2016) “Trusting the State, Trusting Each Other? The Effect of Institutional Trust on Social Trust.” Political Behavior, 38(1), 179-202.
Dinesen, P. T., Sønderskov, K. M., Sohlberg, J., and Esaiasson, P. (2022). “Close (Causally Connected) Cousins? Evidence on the Causal Relationship between Political Trust and Social Trust.” Public Opinion Quarterly, Vol. 86(3), pp. 708-721.
Sønderskov, K.M., and P.T. Dinesen (2014). “Danish Exceptionalism: Explaining the Unique Increase in Social Trust over the Past 30 Years.”, European Sociological Review, 30(6), 782-795.
Responses to immigration
Dinesen, P. T., Dahl, M., and Schiøler, M. (2021). “When are Legislators Responsive to Ethnic Minorities? Testing the Role of Electoral Incentives and Candidate Selection for Mitigating Ethnocentric Responsiveness.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 115(2): pp. 450-466.
Dinesen, P. T., Klemmensen, R., & Nørgaard, A. S. (2016). “Attitudes Toward Immigration: The Role of Personal Predispositions.” Political Psychology, 37(1), 55-72.
Danckert, B., Dinesen, P.T., and Sønderskov, K.M. (2017). “Reacting to Neighborhood Cues? Political Sophistication Moderates the Effect of Exposure to Immigrants.” Public Opinion Quarterly, 81(1), pp. 37-56.
Danckert, B., Dinesen, P.T., Klemmensen, R., Nørgaard, A. S., Stolle, D., and Sønderskov, K. M. (2017). “With an Open Mind: Openness to Experience Moderates the Impact of Interethnic Encounters on Support for Immigration.” European Sociological Review, 33(5), pp. 721-733.
Dinesen, P. T., and Hjorth, F. (2020). “Attitudes Toward Immigration: Theories, Settings, and Approaches.” In Mintz, A., and Terris, L. (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Behavioral Political Science. New York: Oxford University Press.
Letki, N., Walentek, D., Graban, A., Dinesen, P. T., and Liebe, U. (2024). “Not the Mode of Refugee Allocation but Their Right to Work Drives Preferences on Refugee Policy in the European Union.” West European Politics.
Letki, N., Walentek, D., Dinesen, P. T., and Liebe, U. (2024). “Has the war in Ukraine changed Europeans’ preferences on refugee policy? Evidence from a panel experiment in Germany, Hungary and Poland.” Journal of European Public Policy.
Violent events
Eady, G., Hjorth, F., and Dinesen, P. T. (2023). “Do Violent Protests Affect Expressions of Party Identity? Evidence from the Capitol Insurrection.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 117(3), pp. 1151-1157.
Sønderskov, K. M., Dinesen, P. T., Hansen, B. T., Østergaard, S. D., and Danckert, B. (2021). “Terrorism in the Country of Origin is Linked to Deterioration in the Mental Health of Refugees.” Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 1555-1561.
Sønderskov, K. M., Dinesen, P. T., Finkel, S., and Hansen, K. M. (2022). “Crime Victimization Increases Turnout: Evidence from Individual-Level Administrative Panel Data.” British Journal of Political Science, Vol. 52(1), pp. 399-407.
Hansen, C. N., and Dinesen, P. T. (2023). “Terrorism Activates Ethnocentrism to Explain Support for Civil Liberties: Evidence from Germany.” Political Science Research and Methods, Vol. 11(2), pp. 402-409.
Dinesen, P. T., and Jæger, M. M. (2013). “The Effect of Terror on Institutional Trust: New Evidence from the 3/11 Madrid Terrorist Attack.” Political Psychology, 34(6), pp. 917-926.
Hansen, B. T., Sønderskov, K. M., Østergaard, S. D., and Dinesen, P. T. (2016). “Increased Incidence Rates of Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders in Denmark After the September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attacks in the United States.” American Journal of Epidemiology, 184(7), pp. 494-500.
Hansen, B. T., Dinesen, P. T., and Østergaard, S. D. (2017). “Increased Incidence Rate of Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders in Denmark Following the Breivik Attacks in Norway.” Epidemiology, 28(6), pp. 906-909.
Local economic conditions
Larsen, M. V., Hjorth, F., Dinesen, P. T., and Sønderskov K. M. (2019). “When do Citizens Respond Politically to the Local Economy? Evidence from Registry Data on Local Housing Markets.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 113(2), pp. 499-516.
Bisgaard, M., Dinesen, P.T., and Sønderskov, K.M. (2016). “Reconsidering the Neighborhood Effect: Does Exposure to Residential Unemployment Influence Voters' Perceptions of the National Economy?” The Journal of Politics, 78(3), 719-732.
Christensen, Matias, Dinesen, P. T., and Sønderskov, K. M. (Forthcoming). "Unequal and Unsupportive: Exposure to Poor People Weakens Support for Redistribution among the Rich." British Journal of Political Science.
Colombo, F., Dinesen, P.T., and Sønderskov, K. M. (Forthcoming). "Does Economic Inequality Reduce Political System Support? Local-level Evidence from Denmark." European Journal of Political Research.
Political participation
Oskarsson, S. Dinesen, P. T., Dawes, C. T., Johanneson, M., and Magnusson, P. K. E. (2017). “Education and Social Trust: Testing a Causal Hypothesis Using the Discordant Twin Design.” Political Psychology, 38(3), pp. 515-531.
Dinesen, P. T., and Andersen, R. F. (2022). “The (Re)socialization of political culture: Immigrants’ political participation between their Contemporary country and their ancestral country.” Political Geography, Vol. 98.
Dinesen, P. T., Nørgaard, A. S., and Klemmensen, R. (2014). “The Civic Personality: Personality and Democratic Citizenship.” Political Studies, 62(S1), pp. 134-152. 
Andersen, R. F., and Dinesen, P. T. (2017). “Social Capital in the Scandinavian Countries.” Pp. 161-173 in Nedergaard, P. and Wivel, A.(Eds.). Routledge Handbook of Scandinavian Politics. New York: Routledge.
Dinesen, P. T., Dahl, M., and Schiøler, M. (2021). “When are Legislators Responsive to Ethnic Minorities? Testing the Role of Electoral Incentives and Candidate Selection for Mitigating Ethnocentric Responsiveness.” American Political Science Review, Vol. 115(2): pp. 450-466.
Schüssler, J., Dinesen, P. T., Østergaard, S. D., Sønderskov, K. S. (2022). “Public support for unequal treatment of unvaccinated citizens: Evidence from Denmark.” Social Science and Medicine, Vol. 305, 115101.
Personality and political behavior
Heide-Jørgensen, T, Dinesen, P. T., and Sønderskov K. M. (2023). "Personality and Roots of Welfare Support: How Openness to Experience Moderates the Influence of Self-Interest and Ideology on Redistributive Preferences." Political Behavior, Vol. 45, pp. 1467-1489.
Dinesen, P. T., Klemmensen, R., & Nørgaard, A. S. (2016). “Attitudes Toward Immigration: The Role of Personal Predispositions.” Political Psychology, 37(1), 55-72.
Dinesen, P. T., Nørgaard, A. S., and Klemmensen, R. (2014). “The Civic Personality: Personality and Democratic Citizenship.” Political Studies, 62(S1), pp. 134-152. 
Danckert, B., Dinesen, P.T., Klemmensen, R., Nørgaard, A. S., Stolle, D., and Sønderskov, K. M. (2017). “With an Open Mind: Openness to Experience Moderates the Impact of Interethnic Encounters on Support for Immigration.” European Sociological Review, 33(5), pp. 721-733.
Other work on political behavior
Dinesen, P.T., Slothuus, R., and Stubager, R. (2020). “Danish Public Opinion: Stability, Change and Polarization.” Pp. 259-277 in Christiansen, P. M., Green-Pedersen, C., and Nedergaard, P. (Eds.). The Oxford Handbook of Danish Politics. New York: Oxford University Press.
Klemmensen, R., Hobolt, S. B., Dinesen, P. T., Skytthe, A., and Nørgaard, A. S. (2012). “The Danish Political Twin Study: Political Traits in Danish Twins and the General Population.” Twin Research and Human Genetics, 15(1), pp. 74-78.
Mental health and well-being
Sønderskov, K. M., Dinesen, P. T., Hansen, B. T., Østergaard, S. D., and Danckert, B. (2021). “Terrorism in the Country of Origin is Linked to Deterioration in the Mental Health of Refugees.” Nature Human Behaviour, 5, 1555-1561.
Hansen, B. T., Sønderskov, K. M., Hageman, I., Dinesen, P. T., and Østergaard, S. D. (2017). “Daylight Savings Time Transitions and the Incidence Rate of Unipolar Depressive Episodes.” Epidemiology, 28(3), pp. 346-353.
Hansen, B. T., Sønderskov, K. M., Østergaard, S. D., and Dinesen, P. T. (2016). “Increased Incidence Rates of Trauma- and Stressor-Related Disorders in Denmark After the September 11, 2001, Terrorist Attacks in the United States.” American Journal of Epidemiology, 184(7), pp. 494-500.
Hansen, B. T., Dinesen, P. T., and Østergaard, S. D. (2017). “Increased Incidence Rate of Trauma- and Stressor-related Disorders in Denmark Following the Breivik Attacks in Norway.” Epidemiology, 28(6), pp. 906-909.
Østergaard, S. D., Petrides, G., Dinesen, P. T., Skadhede, S., Bech, P., Munk-Jørgensen, P., and Nielsen, J. (2012). “The Association between Physical Morbidity and Subtypes of Severe Depression.” Psychoterapy and Psychosomatics, 82(1), pp. 45-52.
Østergaard, S. D., Dinesen, P. T., and Foldager, L. (2010). “Quantifying the Value of Markers in Screening Programmes.” European Journal of Epidemiology, 25(3), pp. 151-154.
Responses to COVID
Sønderskov, K., M., Dinesen, P. T., Zantini, Z. I., and Østergaard, S. D. (2020). “The Depressive State of Denmark during the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Acta Neuropsychiatrica, Vol. 32(4): pp. 226-228.
Sønderskov, K., M., Dinesen, P. T., Zantini, Z. I., and Østergaard, S. D. (2020). “Increased Psychological Well-being after the Apex of the COVID-19 Pandemic.” Acta Neuropsychiatrica, Vol. 32(5), pp. 277-279.
Sønderskov, K., M., Dinesen, P. T., Vistisen, H. T., and Østergaard, S. D. (2021). ”Variation in Psychological Well-being and Symptoms of Anxiety and Depression During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Results from a 3-wave Panel Survey.” Acta Neuropsychiatrica, Vol. 33(3), pp. 156-159.
Sønderskov, K., M., Dinesen, P. T., and Østergaard, S. D. (2021). ”Sustained COVID-19 vaccine willingness after safety concerns over the Oxford-AstraZeneca vaccine.” Danish Medical Journal, Vol. 68(5), pp. 1-7.
Jefsen, O. H., Kølbæk, P., Gil, Y., Speed, M., Dinesen, P. T., Sønderskov, K. M., and Østergaard, S. D. (2021). ”COVID-19 vaccine willingness amongst patients with mental illness compared with the general population.” Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 33(5), 273-276.
Vistisen, H. T., Sønderskov, K., M., Dinesen, P. T., and Østergaard, S. D. (2021). “Psychological well-being and symptoms of depression and anxiety across age groups during the second wave of the COVID-19 Pandemic in Denmark.” Acta Neuropsychiatrica, 33(6), 331-334.
Vistisen, H. T., Sønderskov, K., M., Dinesen, P. T., Brund, R. B. K., Nielsen, R. Ø., and Østergaard, S. D. (2022). ”Running on empty: A longitudinal global study of psychological well-being among runners during the COVID-19 pandemic.” BMJ Open, Vol. 12(9), pp. 1-8.
Publications in Danish
Hjorth, F., Sønderskov, K., and Dinesen, P. T. (2019). ”Affektiv Polarisering i Danmark: Et listeeksperiment om social distance til politiske modstandere.” Økonomi & Politik, 92(3), p. 31-40.
Dinesen, P. T., and Sønderskov, K. M. (2012). “Hvorfor stiger tilliden?” Politica, 44(1), pp. 87-110.
Nørgaard, A. S., Klemmensen, R., Dinesen, P. T., and Skytthe, A. (2012). “Kun i mørket er alle katte grå: Betydningen af genetik og individuelle forskelle for politisk adfærd.” Politica, 44(4), pp. 469-488.
Dinesen, P. T. (2016). “Tager de tilliden med? Udenlandssvenskeres sociale tillid.” Pp. 133-150 in Solevid, M. (Ed.). Svenska utlandsröster. Göteborgs Universitet: SOM-instituttet.